Indian Girl's Arse - 7 know."She looked at him and Nadia was shocked. "Uncle Vince! My Lord, I think you need laid just as bad as I do!" she laughed at him and Nadia knew that thing were about to change. She was going after him and Nadia just hoped he wanted her too. "Shit baby, I haven't been on a date or with a woman, since your Aunt left me five years ago." Holy fuck and I thought I had it rough!" she said reaching to caress his face once again, wondering why he stayed single. He could have just about any woman he wanted, even her, but he stayed to himself. "Tell me about it, but after all the shit she put me through...I'm content with doing it myself." But five years of no woman and doing it yourself?" Nadia said with a painful look on her face, thinking of her handsome Uncle doing 'things' himself and how lonely he must be. "Oh well, maybe someday I'll find me a hottie like you and I'll try it again. But, until then, I'll be content with lookin' and just flirting with you. How's that. ”The assassin glared at him, and Jack had to do his best to not grin like a giant jackass. The Julias grin, the grin the man gave whenever he let a conversation prove him right. Dance, puppets, dance.“Unless the hunters hire a prostitute,” Damien said, “and that somehow becomes a lead for us, I don’t see it helping us in our main objective.”“All work and no play makes Damien a dull boy,” Jessy said. Heh, nice dodge on the Jack name in the original quote. “Much as I’m all for focusing on the job, because the job currently involves saving our asses from getting murdered, I do think we should always take time to enjoy our second lives, Damien.”“I—”“And hey, I know you’re a priest boy, but you didn’t take a vow of celibacy, and far as I know, your religion believes in embracing being a monster, right? Scare people into the awaiting arms of God, or whatever. Well, Fiona’s a monster. Should be fine to fuck her silly, right?”“ ... I—”“And yeah, I know, fucking a monster doesn’t really help.
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